Hello listeners! Welcome to another episode of Reckless A-Talk, our TTRPG interview show where we sit down with some of our favorite writers, players, GMs, and streamers to get to know a little bit more about what makes them who they are.

I am as always your host GM Nathan I use he/him pronouns, and this week we are extremely excited to to share our chat with Brian Flaherty of Many Sided Media!

Brian does…lots of things. He frequently GMs, performs, interviews, edits, sound designs, produces, promotes – basically everything having to do with actual plays and podcasting, he seems to do it and do it well.

He and the rest of the team at Many Sided Media have exploded over the last year with My First Dungeon, a show with rotating systems and rotating casts. He and co-host Elliot Davis also produce one of my favorite TTRPG interview shows, Talk of the Table.

Most recently, Many Sided Media announced something that might of interest to Reckless Attack listeners who enjoyed our 100th episode regency arc – Bitcherton a new improvised Austen and Bridgerton inspired comedy show.

In this interview, we cover SO much ground, including asking more of yourself, taking wild swings and missing, setting expectations, cheat codes, and the importance of backups, among a great many other things.

As always if you enjoy this episode please go check out some of our other Reckless A-Talk interviews and maybe even our actual play episodes.

Thanks for listening!

Edited by Nathan Lurz and Jonathan Zhang

Bitcherton Kickstarter, live through July 13, 2024

Bitcherton, including Episode 1: https://www.bitcherton.com

Many Sided Media https://www.manysidedmedia.com/

My First Dungeon https://www.manysidedmedia.com/myfirstdungeon

Talk of the Table https://www.manysidedmedia.com/talkofthetable

Bridget Jeffries Talk of the Table Interview: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4pUjg27GH7umVYfjnGc5xp

Info on Rom Com Drama Bomb: https://www.rascal.news/rom-com-drama-bomb

Website of Dr. Emily Friedman: https://www.ecfriedman.com/